Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Refreshing Bottled Water in Sacramento Quenches Your Thirst in a Pinch

California is currently going through its fourth consecutive year of drought, and the state’s worries about its water supplies continue to grow. Everyone is being called to do their part in conserving water, both residential and commercial entities alike. Until the situation is resolved and a more permanent solution is passed, Californians need to be judicious with their water usage or risk paying fines of up to $500. An article on the Santa Cruz Sentinel dated March 17, 2015 details the state’s ongoing struggle with the drought, and how the federal government has handled the situation. The article outlines the stipulations the government has issue earlier this year on water use, such as banning restaurants from serving water unless asked for as well as limiting individuals from watering their lawns and landscapes. Some critics, however, are pointing out that the restrictions will only resolve matters in the short run, and they urge the public to start preparing for an even longer d

Monday, April 13, 2015

A Vending Service in Sacramento Assists in Improving Employee Wellness

All good companies value the hard work of their employees, and will do their best to ensure that their people remain in tip-top shape. Businesses often go out of their way to take care of their workers, especially those personnel whom they value greatly. This includes ways to help employees improve their wellbeing—and their production, in turn—such as providing memberships to fitness centers and holding exercise classes. The Democrat & Chronicle website has an article dated March 31, 2015 that urges businesses to involve their employees when planning for wellness programs. According to the report, by providing workers with a more active role in the creation of wellness programs, they will be motivated to make “meaningful improvements in [their] health”. Notably, the article states that businesses can and should encourage their employees to suggest healthier vending machine food options in addition to the regular selections, improving their eating habits at the same time.